Question #7f1fd

1 Answer
Jan 19, 2016

who discovered America is an interesting question?
Columbus discovering is no longer historically accurate poisition. The discovery of America by outsider is credited - Vikings, Chinese, Arabs and Polynesians


multiple studies show now a new reality that Columbus was not the Europian to sail into America. In November 1964, National Geographic magazine published a research by Helge Ingstad, an archaeologist, about his discovery of ancient Norse settlements in Canada. showing that the Vikings landed in Greenland and parts of Canada 500 years prior to Columbus, but they are believed to have occupied the area for just a few years before being expelled by the hostile natives.

In his book Who Discovered America?, Menzies refers to the copy of a 1418 map charted by Chinese Admiral Zheng He, which appears to show the New World in some detail, who most likely created the map when he sailed to the New World in 1421, more than seven decades before Columbus.

so the idea tha Columbus was the first one to discover America is no longer factual rather that Columbus was one of the first and his coming to America and introduction of the new world the Spanish had a significant impact to both the new and old world...

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