Question #cf35e

1 Answer
Jul 3, 2017

Well, an "atom"atom is a discrete NEUTRAL particle........


And of course the "Noble Gases"Noble Gases are excellent examples of atoms. Do you agree?

And an ion is a discrete CHARGED particle, cationic or anionic.......of course, for every anion, there must be (somewhere!) a corresponding cation.....(why "must?"must?, because as far as we know charge is conserved).

Examples of ions include Na^+Na+ and Cl^-Cl.

The difference between a molecular ion and a free radical? Well, a molecular ion is a collection of atoms with a positive or negative charge, e.g. NH_4^+NH+4 and ClO_4^-ClO4. And a free radical is an ion or species that contains at least ONE unpaired electron. Hydrogen peroxide (a neutral molecule) is an excellent source of free radicals.....

HO-OH + Delta rarr 2HdotO

Free radicals tend to be highly reactive species because they tend to pair up, and if they do so with a neutral species, they create another free radical that tends to continue the radical chain. Halogens are an excellent source of free witness the reaction of halogen molecule under UV light......

X_2 + hnurarr2dotX

And with species such as toluene, that can stabilize free radicals, we can get a radical chain of reactions.......

dotX+H_3CPh rarrH-X +H_2dotC-Ph

And the benzyl radical reacts with UNREACTED halogen........

Ph-dotCH_2+X_2 rarr PhCH_2X + dotX

And thus in the very act of reaction, a new halogen radical is delivered that continues the radical chain of reactions........

Anyway check your text.