In what way does increasing hybridization correlate with decreasing s character?

1 Answer
Jun 22, 2017

I think you mean this with respect to alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes. Consider ethane, ethene (ethylene), and ethyne (acetylene).

We know that bond lengths for comparable SIGMA bonds (e.g. the first bond in a CC, C=C, and CC here) decrease as the OVERALL bond order increases.

Well, from left to right, we have sp3, sp2, and sp hybridization.

Hybridization involves the mixing of more than one orbital shape to construct identical, totally symmetric orbitals. This literally means we have:

  • sp3=s+p+p+p 25%s+75%p
  • sp2=s+p+p 33%s+67%p
  • sp=s+p 50%s+50%p

We thus have an increase in s character from left to right in the hydrocarbons shown above, correlating with the decrease in the number of electron groups.

This decrease in bond length is due to the closeness of the s orbital to the nucleus. Consider the radial density distributions of the 2s vs. the 2p orbitals:

Graphed from H atom Wave Functions

That little bump at the far left means that the 2s orbital is more penetrating than the 2p, i.e. more core-like. That means the optimal bond distance (that balances nuclear repulsions and electron-nucleus attractions) is shorter.

Hence, a hybrid orbital with more s character leads to a shorter sigma bond.