Question #27b73

1 Answer
Jul 16, 2016

(a) #40pi" cm"#
(b) #2.34xx10^3cm cdot s^-1#, rounded to two decimal places.
(c) #117.29radian cdot s^-1#, rounded to two decimal places.
(d) #0.05s#, rounded to two decimal places.


(a) The tip of fan moves distance equal to one circumference of the circle made by the tip.

#:.# Distance moved by the tip in one revolution#=2pir#
#=2xxpixx20.0 =40pi" cm"#
(d) Time period #T# of motion is time taken for one revolution.

#:.# Fan makes #1120rp m#
#=>T=60/1120=0.05s#, rounded to two decimal places.
(c) Angular acceleration #omega=(2pi)/T=117.29radian cdot s^-1#, rounded to two decimal places.
(b) For circular motion, tip's speed #v=romega#
#=>v=20.0xx117.29=2345.72cm cdot s^-1#