Question #199ee

1 Answer
Aug 7, 2017

Write the function as:

F(x) = sinx-2cosx = sqrt5(1/sqrt5sinx-2/sqrt5cosx)

As (1/sqrt5)^2+(2/sqrt5)^2 = 1

we can put: cos phi = 1/sqrt5 and sin phi = 2/sqrt5

so that:

F(x) = sqrt5(cosphisinx-sinphicosx) = sqrt(5)cos(x+phi)

with tan phi = (2/sqrt5)/(1/sqrt5) = 2, so phi = arctan 2

Thus the function is a sinusoid of amplitude sqrt5 and phase phi. Accordingly it is decreasing when:

0 < x < pi-phi

increasing when:

pi-phi < x < 2pi-phi

and again decreasing for

2pi-phi < x < 2pi

It is concave up for:

pi/2 -phi < x < (3pi)/2-phi

and concave down in the rest of the interval.

graph{sqrt5cos(x+1.1071487178) [-0.1, 6.3, -3, 3]}