How many surjective homomorphisms are there from ZZ onto ZZ_3 ?

1 Answer
Dec 28, 2017

There are two.


Assuming we are talking about ZZ and ZZ_3 as additive groups, there are exactly two surjective homomorphisms from ZZ onto ZZ_3.

Suppose f:ZZ -> ZZ_3 is a surjective homomorphism.

Then the identity must map to the identity, i.e. f(0) = hat(0)

The value of f(n) for any other n is determined by the value of f(1). The mapping f(1) = hat(0) yields a homomorphism, but it is not surjective: every integer is mapped to hat(0).

That leaves two possibilities, namely f(1) = hat(1) and f(1) = hat(2). Both of these result in surjective homomorphisms.