The melting points of a series of compounds are reported. Which of the options likely represents a molecular species? A.A. 801801 ""^@CC; B.B. 16001600 ""^@CC; C.C. 15381538 ""^@CC; D.D. 00 ""^@CC;

1 Answer
Oct 10, 2016

My educated (?) guess would be DD.


Ionic compounds are non-molecular and tend to possess high melting points, and very high boiling points. Refer to the melting point of say NaClNaCl, at 801801 ""^@CC.

On the other hand, molecular species are composed of discrete molecules, and the interparticle, i.e intermolecular, interactions tend to be much less in magnitude than those observed for non-molecular species. AA, BB, and CC are contraindicated.