Someone earns the following average wages: $90 per day over 15 consecutive days, $87 per day over the first 7 days, $92 over the last 7 days. What's the wage earned on day 8?

1 Answer



We're given that the average wage (which I'll call W) has a few different values for a few different time periods - $90 over 15 consecutive days, $87 for the first 7 days, $92 over the last 7 days, and we're to find the wage for day 8.

There are a few ways to work this - I'll show you my method:

First off, for the 15 day period, the worker made 15×$90=$1350

For the first 7 days, the worker made 7×$87=$609

For the last 7 days, the worker made 7×$92=$644

We can now subtract what was made in those 2 7-day periods from what was made overall and find the wage for day 8:
