Question #d4070

1 Answer
Jan 11, 2017

The answer is very simple: the difference is in the object on which the forces act. An action-reaction pair is not canceled. On the other hand, balanced forces do.


Consider the following image:
enter image source here
Consider case 1:

On a body two forces of the same modulus and direction act but opposite directions, F1 and F2. Therefore, the resultant FR of the forces acting on said body is 0, because:


Instead, let's see what happens in case 2:

Here, we have a body A that exerts a force FA/B on a body B. By virtue of Newton's Third Law, we can state that on the body A will appear a force FB/A exerted by the body B.

That is, to the FA/B action responds an FB/A reaction.

But these forces, being of equal modulus and opposite senses, do not cancel out. Why? Because they act on different bodies . The resulting force on A is FR=FB/A, while on B there is a resulting force FR=FA/B. When acting on different bodies they are independent forces and each body will move according to the acceleration that each of these forces provoke on him, i.e.:


Where we have assumed that the left-right direction is the positive.