What is the solubility of methane, ethane, and propane in water?

2 Answers
Jun 22, 2017

To a first approximation, all gases have some water solubility........


Of course some gases, e.g. the Noble Gases, have minimal water solubility, but others, i.e. HX, have quite substantial water solubilities........

See these data......

Jun 22, 2017

Ethane, methane and propane are not soluble in water


According to Fire (2009) ethane, methane and propane are nt soluble in water. Their properties are listed in https://books.google.com.tr/books?id=6AGGHbXVpSsC&pg=PA314&lpg=PA314&dq=totally+insoluble+gases+in+water&source=bl&ots=JAJGGZMlLf&sig=uMN3fHHNCO_dcFx6uutSIieAkp4&hl=tr&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj2pM2lutHUAhUBWBoKHZCgBKUQ6AEIKjAB#v=onepage&q=totally%20insoluble%20gases%20in%20water&f=false:


Fire, F. (2009) The Common Sense Approach to Hazardous Materials. Third Edition, PennWell Cooperation. Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA.