What are real-life examples of inverse proportion?

2 Answers
Oct 5, 2017

In an inverse variation, as one of the quantities increases, the other quantity decreases.


In real-life this applies to:

Completing a task.

If there are more people working on the task, it will be completed in less time. Fewer people will take longer.

Travelling at a faster speed

If you travel a distance at a slower speed. the time taken will increase.

Sharing out a given quantity

If there are more people sharing a given amount, then each person will get less.

Look at the following examples.
If it takes 8 people to lay an area of tiles in 6 days,
then it will take 12 people 4 days or
it will take 3 people 16 days.

A distance of 360km can be covered
in 3 hours at a speed of 120kph
in 4 hours at a speed of 90kph
in 60 hours at a speed of 60kph

If $600 is to be shared
5 people will each receive $120
3 people will each receive $200
20 people will each receive $30

Oct 19, 2017

See-saw, money, your favorite food, toothpaste tube, time.


In the proper operation of a see-saw, as one side goes up, the other side goes down. Balance scales and elevator counter-weights operate the same way.

The more money you spend, the less you have to save.

As you eat more of your favorite food you will have less to store for tomorrow.

Squeezing the toothpaste tube again will result in less toothpaste in the tube.

If you waste time, you will have less time to do useful things.
You can never get lost time back, so don't waste it.