What is the density of neon gas given a pressure of 505mmHg, and a temperature of 318K?

What is the density of neon gas given a pressure of 505mmHg, and a temperature of 318K?

1 Answer
Mar 14, 2017

We assume a litre volume of gas under these conditions.

And get ρ=0.5gL1


Now, we know PV=nRT, for an Ideal Gas, and we ASSUME that neon will approximate Ideal Gas behaviour.

From the equation: PRT=nV=massmolar massV

PRT=massmolar massV=ρ×1molar mass

And thus, (FINALLY!): ρ=PRT×molar mass

And we plug in the given numbers:


The units are appropriate for density, as we require. Please check my figures and assumptions; there is a lot of 'rithmetic here.