Question #ba20b

1 Answer
Mar 21, 2017

The number of combinations is 30033003


There are 5 men on a basketball team, and the coach has his choice of 15 men. There is no definition given of the position each man will be playing nor the relative importance of each player such as captain or forward.

This means we are working with a "combination" of 55 players of equal status taken out of a total of 1515 players available.

Our possibilities start with 1515 available players then go down consecutively by 11 as each player is chosen so we get 15*14*13*12*111514131211 possibilities by the time we arrive at the fifth team player.

But as we add players to the team, we also reduce the number of positions left, so as each player is added to the team our possibilities are further reduced: 1*2*3*4*512345

Thus, for 1515 available players making a 55 player team,

the combination looks like C(15,5) = (15*14*13*12*11)/(5*4*3*2*1)C(15,5)=151413121154321

C(15,5) = (cancel(15)*cancel(14)*13*cancel(12)*11*7*3)/(cancel(5)*cancel(4)*cancel(3)*cancel(2)*1) = 3003