Question #4a1f3
1 Answer
From the concentration of HCl, we can calculate the pH using the following rule:
We obtain:
Now we use the formula
We can write that like this:
Since pH=1.6289, we calculate pOH
Now the
We obtain:
For more information about pH, check [here]
How is
In water, the following (ionization) reaction occurs:
Therefore the equilibrium can be written like
Since water is the solvent here, we do not take the concentration of water into consideration (is very big). We obtain the following expression:
This means we can say:
To get from the
The same is true for the
Now if we take the Log from both sides of the
A mathematics rule tells us that multiplying inside the logarithm function is the same as adding these logarithms. Therefore we get
And now we can use the definitions of pOH and OH! We get:
Which is the same as