From a standard deck, what are the probabilities of A. picking a red card, B. picking a spade, C. picking an Ace?

1 Answer





When calculating probabilities, we're looking at a ratio:

"number of ways to meet the conditions"/"number of ways we can pick"

For the three questions, the number of ways we can pick a card is 52.

For P(A)="red card"/52, how many red cards are there? In a standard deck, 26 cards are red and the other half are black, and so:


For P(B)="spade"/52, how many spades are there? In a standard deck, 13 cards are spades (with 3 other sets of 13 cards being clubs, hearts, and diamonds), and so:


For P(C)="ace"/52, how many aces are there? In a standard deck, 4 cards are aces (with the other ordinals being 2 through 10, Jack, Queen, King) with each of the ordinals having a card in each of the 4 suits):
