What is K_a for HOCl, given that initially [HOCl]=0.08*mol*dm^3, and pH=2.85?

1 Answer
Apr 23, 2017



The "acid dissociation constant," K_a, measures the particular acid dissociation............

HOCl(aq) + H_2O rightleftharpoonsH_3O^(+) + ""^(-)OCl

Where K_a=([H_3O^+][""^(-)OCl])/([HOCl])

We are given that the initial concentration was 0.08*mol*dm^-3, and that pH=2.85. But we know that pH=-log_(10)[H_3O^+].

And thus [H_3O^+]=10^(-2.85)*mol*L^-1.

But, by stoichiometry [""^(-)OCl]=10^(-2.85)*mol*L^-1.

And, thus......................



And thus we can calculate K_a sans approximation, i.e.
