Explain the mechanism for the "Pt"Pt-catalyzed formation of water from "H"_2H2 and "O"_2O2?
1 Answer
This is gone into great detail here:
I will try to distill it down to the main details, but if you find the time and are eager to know the full details, you can go read that article.
The mechanism has two possible pathways. After reading the abstract, we can conclude that the so-called
We will indicate adsorbed species as "ads". The overall mechanism (pg. 19 of 23), performed on top of a
bb((1))" "(1) "H"_2(g) -> 2"H"(ads)H2(g)→2H(ads) ,
" "" " DeltaH_1 = -"14.38 kcal/mol"
bb((2))" " "O"_2(g) -> "O"_2(ads) ,
" "" " DeltaH_2 = -"11.28 kcal/mol"
bb((3))" " 2"H"(ads) + "O"_2(ads) -> "H"(ads) + "OOH"(ads) ,
" "" " DeltaH_3 = -"13.76 kcal/mol"
bb((4))" " "OOH"(ads) -> "O"(ads) + "OH"(ads) ,
" "" " DeltaH_4 = -"28.26 kcal/mol"
bb((5))" " "OH"(ads) + "H"(ads) -> "H"_2"O"(ads) ,
" "" " DeltaH_5 = -"24.14 kcal/mol"
bb((6))" " "H"_2"O"(ads) -> "H"_2"O"(g) ,
" "" " DeltaH_6 = +"13.89 kcal/mol"
"H"_2(g) + "O"_2(g) -> "H"_2"O"(g) + "O"(ads) ,
DeltaH_(rxn) = -"77.93 kcal/mol"
= -"326.06 kJ/mol"
Below, we focus on the particular intermediates with the lowest energy, and we'll add some extra explanation as to what's going on:
Under that convention, it is likely that the platinum
Then, the two hydrogen atoms (white) bind in separate spots on the surface.
Likely, the