Question #f01f4

1 Answer
Jun 7, 2017

In English it's a lot easier than in Dutch.
(e.g. we have to go from "zwavel" to "sulfaat")


You memorize the elements. Then take the central element in the ion, strip off the suffix and add "-ate" or " ite".
So C=carbon becomes CO23 carbonate
and Si=silicon becomes SiO23 silicate

-ate or -ite?
The -ite has one oxigen atom less than the -ate
Sulfate SO24 vs sulfite SO23

It can get even worse. See the following line-up:
ClO hypochlorite
ClO2 chlorite
ClO3 chlorate
ClO4 (hy)perchlorate
But you see the -ite/-ate rule still stands, just needed some extension.