What are pHpH, and pOHpOH for solutions where...:? A.A. [H^+]=3.7xx10^-8*mol*L^-1;[H+]=3.7×108molL1; B.B. [HO^-]=4.5xx10^-4*mol*L^-1;[HO]=4.5×104molL1; C.C. Where pH=8.67pH=8.67, what are [H_3O^+][H3O+] and [HO^-];[HO]; D.D. pOH=12.72.pOH=12.72.

2 Answers
Jul 1, 2017

We know that in aqueous solution.........


We know that is aqueous solution the following equilibrium operates......

H_2O(l) rightleftharpoonsH^(+) + HO^-H2O(l)H++HO

H^+H+ and HO^-HO are the characteristic cation, and characteristic anion of the water solvent. Sometimes, we write H^+H+ as H_3O^+H3O+, i.e. the "hydronium ion"hydronium ion. As far as anyone knows this is a cluster of 3-4 (or more) water molecules, with an extra PROTON, H^+H+ to give H_7O_3^+H7O+3, or H_9O_4^+H9O+4, we use H^+H+ and H_3O^+H3O+ as convenient shorthands.

As with any equilibrium we can quantify it......


Because [H_2O][H2O] is so large, it can be removed from the equation, and we get

K_w=[H^+][HO^-]=[H_3O^+][HO^-]=10^(-14)Kw=[H+][HO]=[H3O+][HO]=1014 at 298*K298K. Now back in the day before the advent of electronic calculators, scientists used log tables to the "base e"base e or "base 10"base 10 to simplify products and quotients of very large and very small numbers.

We DEFINE pH=-log_10[H_3O^+]pH=log10[H3O+], and pOH=-log_10[HO^-]pOH=log10[HO], and thus if we take log_10log10 of


..............we gets.................


And on rearrangement,

-14=log_10[H_3O^+]+log_10[HO^-]14=log10[H3O+]+log10[HO], and multiplying thru by -11..


And finally our defining relationship......pH+pOH=14. Wheww!

And so we can at last address your question. I will do the first row in the table. I suggest that you have a go at the rest yourself.

"Solution A", [H^+]=3.7xx10^-8*mol*L^-1; pH=-log_10(3.7xx10^-8)=7.43; pOH=14-7.43=6.57. And [HO^-]=10^(-6.57)=2.70xx10^-7*mol*L^-1.

Over to you for B and C and D hoss............

One final caveat: I stress that H^+ is equivalent to H_3O^+; which expression you use is a matter of personal preference, but be consistent.

Jul 1, 2017

Here's what I get.


Solution A

["H"^"+"] = 3.7 × 10^"-8"color(white)(l) "mol/L"

["OH"^"-"] = K_text(w) /(["H"^"+"]) = (1.00 × 10^"-14")/(3.7 × 10^"-8") "mol/L" = 2.7 × 10^"-7"color(white)(l) "mol/L"

"pOH" = -log["OH"^"-"] = 6.57

"pH = 14.00 - pH = 14.00 - 6.57 = 7.43"

Solution B

["OH"^"-"] = "0.000 45 mol/L"

["H"^"+"] = (1.00 × 10^"-14")/"0.000 45" "mol/L" = 2.2 × 10^"-11"color(white)(l) "mol/L"

"pH" = -log(2.2 × 10^"-11") = 10.65

"pOH = 14.00 - 10.65 = 3.35"

Solution C

"pH = 8.67"

"pOH = 14.00 - 8.67 = 5.33"

["OH"^"-"] = 10^"-5.33"color(white)(l)"mol/L" = 4.7 × 10^"-6" color(white)(l)"mol/L"

["H"^"+"] = 10^"-8.67"color(white)(l)"mol/L" = 2.14 × 10^"-9" color(white)(l)"mol/L"

Solution D

"pOH = 12.72"

"pH = 14.00 - 12.72 = 1.28"

["H"^"+"] = 10^"-1.28"color(white)(l)"mol/L" = "0.052 mol/L"

["OH"^"-"] = 10^"-12.72"color(white)(l)"mol/L" = 1.91 × 10^"-13" color(white)(l)"mol/L"