What are the impacts drinking of contaminated water?

1 Answer
Jul 28, 2017

Contagious diseases


In a famous report written by Dr. John Snow in 1849, the relationship between drinking water contamination and some diseases was underlined. A specific well on Broad Street was the starting point. The inhabitants of London consuming this water were much more likely to become victims of a local cholera epidemic than those from the same neighboorhood who consume water from a different well.

A pandemic of cholera that began in 1961 in Indonesia spread around the World. By 1970, it had reached Africa. It finally jumped to Peru in 1991. Within one year, 400,000 new cases of cholera were reported in South America where there had been almost none before this date.

Schistosomiasis is also another important waterborne disease. Schistosomiasis affects nearly 200 million people and 200,000 of whom die each year.