Show that b = 4V for a hard sphere potential?

1 Answer
Jul 27, 2017

I assume you mean the second virial coefficient b -= B_(2V)(T), i.e the one seen in the virial equation of state:

Z = (PbarV)/(RT) = 1 + (B_(2V)(T))/barV + (B_(3V)(T))/barV^2 + . . .

where barV = V/n is the molar volume, Z is the compressibility factor, B_(nV)(T) is the nth virial coefficient, and the rest of the variables are known from the ideal gas law.

For example, B_(2V)(T) = 0.00064 at "1 bar" of pressure, and 0.00648 at "10 bar" of pressure.

The molar second virial coefficient is given by (Physical Chemistry, McQuarrie & Simon, Ch. 16-5):

B_(2V)(T) = -2piN_A int_(0)^(oo) (e^(-u(r)//k_BT) - 1)r^2dr


  • u(r) is the intermolecular pair potential, or the potential energy of two molecules separated by a distance r. This has more than one functional form.
  • k_B is the Boltzmann constant.
  • T is the temperature in "K".
  • N_A = 6.0221413 xx 10^(23) "mol"^(-1) is Avogadro's number. Thus, B_(2V)(T) is in units of "[ . . . ]/mol".

In general, this integral is very hard to evaluate, but for the hard sphere potential (i.e. for molecules that are assumed to have spherical shapes and collide elastically), we can use:


u(r) = {(oo, " "r < sigma),(0," "r > sigma):}

where sigma is the distance from the center of one molecule to the center of the other (sometimes called the "collision diameter").

This applies well at high temperatures, because intermolecular forces are minimized as collisions get stronger and faster. We can easily obtain B_(2V)(T) under this approximation.

Under a transformation of integral bounds, oo is replaced by sigma so that e^(-u(r)//k_BT) -> 0. This gives:

B_(2V)(T) = -2piN_A int_(0)^(sigma) (0 - 1)r^2dr

= -2piN_Acdot-[(sigma^3)/3 - (0^3)/3]

= 2/3 pisigma^3 N_A

For one molecule, we then have that B_(2V)(T) under this approximation is 2/3 pi sigma^3. Now, recall the definition of sigma. For two identical adjacent molecules, sigma = 2r, where r is the radius of the molecular sphere.

So, we can rewrite this as:

(B_(2V)(T))/(N_A) = 2/3 pi (2r)^3

= 2/3 pi cdot 8 cdot r^3 = 16/3 pi r^3

The volume of a single sphere is 4/3 pi r^3. We can consider that the volume of one molecule in this scenario, or its molecular volume V.

Thus, the hard sphere potential shows that for a single molecule,

color(blue)(barul(|stackrel(" ")(" "(B_(2V)(T))/(N_A) = 4V" ")|)),

where V is the volume of one molecular sphere.