How do find the number of electrons, protons, and neutrons given a specific element?

1 Answer
Jul 28, 2017

Got a Periodic Table.........


The Periodic Table, which will made available to you in every test of physics and chemistry you ever sit, tells you EXPLICITLY the number of protons, electrons, and (to a first approx.) neutrons, in all the known elements.

For hydrogen, Z, the atomic number=1, for sulfur, Z=16, and for oxygen, Z=8. By definition, Z represents the number of nuclear protons, and thus specifies the ability of the element. And thus for one formula unit of H2SO4, the number of nucular protons = 16+4×8+2=50. Because these represent fundamental positive charges, you should be able to tell me how many electrons there are in the NEUTRAL molecule pdq.

The number of neutrons is a bit more problematic inasmuch as a given element can several isotopic forms. For sulfur, oxygen, and hydrogen we choose the COMMON isotopes, 1H, 16O, and 32S, which have 0,8, and 16 neutrons respectively (the neutrons and the protons together represent the atomic mass). So you do the sum.

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