Question #cecb0

1 Answer
Aug 13, 2017

Write on species mole basis


Let us denote each components using the following letters
A = (NH_4)_2SO_4
B = NH_4^+
C = SO_4^(2-)
D = NH_3(aq)
E = H^+
F = H_2O
G = HSO_4^-
H = OH^-

Then we have
A \underset{k_2}{\stackrel{k_1}{\rightleftharpoons}}2B+C
B \underset{k_4}{\stackrel{k_3}{\rightleftharpoons}} D+E
C+F \underset{k_6}{\stackrel{k_5}{\rightleftharpoons}}G+H

If you are writing a component wise mass balance then start with components that take part in a single reaction

(dC_A)/dt = k_2C_B^2C_C-k_1C_A
(dC_D)/dt = k_3C_B-k_4C_DC_E
(dC_E)/dt = k_3C_B-k_4C_DC_E

Generally water molecule is present in excess. Hence we don't write a balance for that. And hence the third reaction is generally treated as pseudo first order reaction.

(dC_G)/dt = k_5C_C-k_6C_GC_H
(dC_H)/dt = k_5C_C-k_6C_GC_H

Now onto the other 2 components

(dC_B)/dt = k_1C_A-k_2C_B^2C_C-k_3C_B+k_4C_DC_E
(dC_C)/dt = k_1C_A-k_2C_B^2C_C - k_5C_c+k_6C_GC_H

Then for each component do a mass balance as
v_0(C_i)_o - v(C_i) +V(r_i) = V(dC_i)/dt

where i \in {A,B,C,D,E,G,H}

If you are writing an overall balance then we have the overall reaction as
A+F \underset{k_2}{\stackrel{k_1}{\rightleftharpoons}} B+D+E+G+H

Then we can write balances for A,B,D,E,G,H given we have k_1 and k_2.