Question #d3263

1 Answer
Oct 7, 2017

Actually, germanium-71 does not undergo beta decay.


The interesting thing to point out here is that germanium-71 does not undergo beta decay, it actually undergoes electron capture see here.

When germanium-71 undergoes electron capture, its nucleus captures an electron from one of its inner energy shells, which results in the conversion of a proton to a neutron.

Consequently, the atomic number of the nuclide will decrease by 1. On the other hand, its mass number will remain unchanged.

At this point, the nucleus emits an electron neutrino, νe.

The balanced nuclear equation that describes the electron capture of germanium-71 looks like this


Notice that you have

  • 71+0=71 conservation of mass

  • 32+(1)=31 conservation of charge

The resulting nuclide is galium-71.

Now, in a beta decay, the nucleus of a radioactive nuclide emits a beta particle, which is another name given to an electron, and an electron antineutrino, ¯νe, as a result of the fact that a neutron is being converted into a proton.

This time, the atomic number of the nuclide increases by 1 and its mass number remains unchanged.

So assuming that germanium-71 undergoes beta decay, the balanced nuclear equation looks like this


Once again, you have

  • 71=71+0conservation of mass
  • 32=33+(1) conservation of charge

This time, the resulting nuclide would be arsenic-33.