What kinds of speeds can be found from a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution?

1 Answer
Dec 23, 2017

See below.


Concerning the velocity distribution for a Maxwellian gas:


Most probable speed

  • The most probable speed corresponds to the maximum of the velocity distribution, where the slope is zero. One solves the equation


where bar(f)(nu) is the Maxwell velocity distribution (probability distribution for a molecule's velocity) as a function of velocity nu.

From this, the most probable speed, denoted nu_"m.p." emerges as:


Mean speed

  • An average or mean speed < nu > is computed by weighting the speed nu with its probability of occurrence bar(f)(nu)dnu and then integrating:

< nu > = int_0^(oo)nubar(f)(nu)dnu=int_0^(oo)e^((-mnu^2)//(2kT))sqrt(2/pi)(m/(kT))^(3/2)nu^3dnu

=> color(blue)(< nu > = sqrt(8/pi)sqrt((kT)/m))

Root mean square speed

  • A calculation of < nu^2 > proceeds as:

< nu^2 > = int_0^(oo)nu^2bar(f)(nu)dnu=3(kT)/m

=>1/2m< nu^2 > = 3/2kT



  • The mean speed < nu > is 13% larger than nu_"m.p." and nu_"r.m.s" is 22% larger.

  • The common proportionality to sqrt(kT//m) has two immediate implications: higher temperature implies higher speed, and larger mass implies lower speed.

**The equivalent expressions in terms of the universal/ideal gas constant R are given in the figure above.