Question #1292d

1 Answer
Feb 8, 2018

Here's what I got.


The idea here is that when a radioactive nuclide undergoes beta-minus decay, its atomic number will increase by 1 and its mass number will remain unchanged.

In beta-minus decay, a neutron located inside the nucleus is converted to a proton, which is what causes the atomic number to increase by 1. At the same time, the nuclide emits an electron, also called a beta particle, β, and an electron antineutrino, ¯νe.


So if you take AZX to be the nuclide that results from the beta-minus decay of potassium-40, you can say that


Now, in every nuclear reaction, mass and charge must be conserved. This means that you have

40=A+0+0 conservation of mass

19=Z+(1)+0 conservation of charge

Solve these two equations to get A=40 and Z=20. A quick look at the Periodic Table will show that the resulting nuclide is calcium-40.

This means that you have


The balanced nuclear equation that describes the beta-minus decay of potassium-40 looks like this
