A 4-pound bag of sugar contains 454 one teaspoon servings and costs $3 49, A batch of muffins uses 3/4 cup of sugar. How many batches can you make if you use all the sugar? What is the cost of sugar for each?

1 Answer
Mar 19, 2017

All the sugar used -> 12.77" batches"

Cost of sugar for each batch is ~~($3.49)-:12.77~~ $0.273


Let the count of full batches using 3/4 cup be B

color(blue)("Information from question")

Sugar->4 lb ->454 " teaspoons" ->$3.49

1 full cooking batch uses 3/4 cup of sugar

color(brown)("Using the units of measurements to indicate the method of calculation")

color(blue)("Method ")
batches cooked = total teaspoons available -: teaspoons in 3/4 cup

batches cooked = total teaspoons " -: (3/4" cup"xx ("teaspoons")/("cup"))

color(blue)("Step 1: Determine the count of teaspoons in 1 cup.")

1 teaspoon = 5 ml

1 cup = 237 ml

teaspoon count per cup is how many lots of 5ml will fit into 237 ml

->237-:5 = 237/5 ("teaspoons")/("cup")
color(blue)("Step 2: Completing the calculation by substituting values")

batches cooked = total teaspoons -: (3/4" cup"xx ("teaspoons")/("cup"))

"full batches cooked" =B=454-:(3/4xx237/5)


B= 12 548/711 = 9080/711~~12.77" " to 2 decimal places

All the sugar used -> 12.77" batches"

Cost of sugar for each batch is ~~($3.49)-:12.77~~ $0.273