A centrifuge accelerates uniformly from rest to 15,000 rpm in 220 s. Through how many revolutions did it turn in this time?

1 Answer
Oct 20, 2016

I got: 2.75×104revolutions
BUT check my maths!


We can say that:

[1 revolution is 2π radians
and 1 min=60 s]

In our case the object changes ANGULAR velocity and goes from ω0=0 to ωf=15,000rpm=15,000×2π60rads in t=220s.
This corresponds to an angular acceleration:
Let us use a (rotational) kinematic relationship to find tha ANGULAR distance θ described, as:
θ=0+127.14(2202)1.72×105rad in total (during the 220s)

But each revolution corresponds to 2π rad giving us: