A force field is described by <F_x,F_y,F_z> = < x , z, y > <Fx,Fy,Fz>=<x,z,y>. Is this force field conservative?

1 Answer
Dec 24, 2016

The force field is conservative; curl(vecF)=vec0curl(F)=0 and vecF=gradfF=f for some potential function.


If vecFF is a vector (force) field in RR^3, then the curl of vecF is the vector curl(vecF) and is written as gradxxvecF. The vector field vecF is conservative iff vecF=gradf for some potential function. If vecF is conservative, curl(vecF)=vec0. However, this does not mean that a vector field with curl=vec0 is absolutely conservative; the vector field must also have a potential function to be conservative, but the first prerequisite is that curl(vecF)=vec0.

As stated above, the curl is given by the cross product of the gradient of vecF (in the form < P, Q, R >) and itself.


We have vecF=< x, z, y > where




The curl of the vector field is then given as:

enter image source here

We take the cross product as we usually would, except we'll be taking partial derivatives each time we multiply by a partial differential.

For the veci component, we have del/(dely)(y)-del/(delz)(z)


For the vecj component, we have del/(delx)(y)-del/(delz)(x)


(Remember that if we take the partial of a function with respect to some variable which is not present, the partial derivative is 0 as we treat all other variables as constants)

For the veckcomponent, we have del/(delx)(z)-del/(dely)(x)


This gives a final answer of curl(vecF)=<0,0,0> =vec0

This tells that our force field has the potential to be conservative (pun intended). We now must attempt to produce the potential function of the force field. To find the potential function of the vector field, we find f so that

gradf(x,y,z)=< f_x(x,y,z),f_y(x,y,z),f_z(x,y,z) > =vecF(x,y,z)

We are given vecF=< x, z, y >, and so we have:




We now find the antiderivative of one of these components. Which does not matter, so I'll start with f_x.



(Note we include g(y,z) to account for any "constants" which are y and z variables, since we only integrated with respect to x).


We now take the y or z partial derivative of this answer. Again, it doesn't matter which you start with, so I'll start with f_y.


We set this equal to our original f_y(x,y,z) to try to find g_y(y,z)



Now we take the partial of the above function f(x,y,z) with respect to z, carrying out the same procedure as we did for f_y.





Revisiting our function f(x,y,z)=1/2x^2+g(y,z), we now have:


We then have satisfied both conditions: curl(vecF)=0 and a potential function exists.

:. Force field is conservative