A force field is described by <F_x,F_y,F_z> = < xy , 2z-y^2 +x, 2y -z > <Fx,Fy,Fz>=<xy,2zy2+x,2yz>. Is this force field conservative?

1 Answer
Aug 1, 2016

Not conservative


the conclusive test is the existence of a potential function ff such that vec F = nabla fF=f. you could try and reverse-engineer a potential function from the partials but...

.....a necessary (though insufficient) condition is that the curl of the force field is zero because, if ff indeed exists, then nabla times vec F = nabla times nabla f = 0×F=×f=0 as curl ( grad ) =0.


nabla times vec F= |(hat x, hat y, hat z),(del_x, del_y, del_z),(xy, 2z-y^2+x, 2y-z)|

= hat x (2-2) - hat y (0 - 0 ) + hat z (1-x) = ((0),(0),(1-x)) ne 0

So this is not conservative.