A meteorologist has recorded daily high temperatures for the last month, in degrees Centigrade, and he presents the mean of 21 degrees C. and standard deviation of 3 degrees C. during the evening news. While on camera, his co-anchor says that nobody understands degrees C, so he does an on-the-spot conversion of these two values to degrees Fahrenheit. What are the converted mean and standard deviation? (Note: F = (1.8)(C) + 32)

1 Answer
Feb 28, 2015

They would be mu=69.8~~70F and sigma=5.4F

In this case you have to use the whole conversion 'recipe' to convert C->F so
muF=1.8muC+32=1.8*21+32=6 9.8~~70^0 F
This is the linear conversion of the mean .

Since the standard deviation is a measure of deviation from the mean, we don't have to take the 32 into account, that was already done. So: