A triangle has corners at (3 ,8 )(3,8), (5 ,9 )(5,9), and (8 ,5 )(8,5). What is the area of the triangle's circumscribed circle?
2 Answers
Area of the triangle's circumscribed circle
First of all, we have to find out circumcenter (G) of the triangle.
For area of the triangle's circumscribed circle, we have to calculate radius of the circumscribed circle. And, it is equal to the distance between G and any of the vertices of the triangle.
Area of the triangle's circumscribed circle
Area of the triangle's circumscribed circle
Area of the triangle's circumscribed circle
There are no square roots needed. Please contrast this with the other answer, typical good answer.
Archimedes' Theorem says for a triangle with sides
The radius of the circumcircle equals the product of the sides of the triangle divided by four times the area of the triangle. This is more useful squared:
It appears me or the other answer is wrong.
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