A triangle has vertices A, B, and C. Vertex A has an angle of pi/2 , vertex B has an angle of ( pi)/4 , and the triangle's area is 36 . What is the area of the triangle's incircle?

1 Answer
Jul 2, 2016

Area of Incircle =pir^2=36pi(sqrt2-1)^2=36pi(3-2sqrt2)


We will use the usual notation to solve the problem.

In DeltaABC, A=pi/2, B=pi/4 rArr C=pi/4 rArr b=c

Delta=1/2*b*c*sinA rArr36=1/2*b*b*sin(pi/2)rArr36=b^2/2

:. b=c=6sqrt2 :. a^2=b^2+c^2=b^2+b^2=2b^2=144rArra=12

In rightDeltaABC, in which, a is hypo., it is a well=known result that,


:. Area of Incircle =pir^2=36pi(sqrt2-1)^2=36pi(3-2sqrt2)

Hope this will help!