Along the equator, it was no-shadow-noon on September 22 ( Autumnal Equinox). When do you expect this right-above-head-Sun noon, at Bangalore, India? The latitude of Bangalore is 12.98oN.

1 Answer
Oct 2, 2016

May 1 and August 2, 2017.


We have no-shadow noon when, when the Sun is right overhead.

It happens at equator, on an equinox day.

At the equator, the spacing in between successive no-shadow-noon

days is nearly six months.

Elsewhere, it is not equispaced.

North or South, there is no no-shadow noon for latitudes greater

than 23.44o

At summer solstice, this latitude limit is reached at 23.44^o N and,

at winter solstice, this limit is 23.44^o S.

In brief, there could be no-shadow noon,

for latitudes(23.44oS,23.44oN).

In 2017, vernal equinox will be on March 20 and summer solstice

on June 21. This period is 93 days.During this period, the latitude

for our event increases, from 0 to 23.44oN The latitude of

Bangalore is 12.98oN So, my expectation is on

just after(23.4412.9823.44)X93=41.5 days, from March, 20.

This day is about May 1, 2017..

The next one would be equidistant, after summer solstice, on about

August 2, 2017..

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