An object with a mass of 5 kg is on a plane with an incline of - pi/8 . If it takes 18 N to start pushing the object down the plane and 3 N to keep pushing it, what are the coefficients of static and kinetic friction?

1 Answer
Feb 8, 2016

Coefficient of static friction : \mu_s = 0.8188
Coefficient of kinetic friction : \mu_k = 0.4805


Step1 : Draw a free body diagram showing all these forces.
(1) Gravitational force (weight) : \vec{w_{}}, \qquad (2) Normal force : \vec{N_{}},
(3) Frictional force : \vec{F_f}, \qquad (4) Applied Force : \vec{F_{}}_{app}.

Step 2 : Pick a 2D cartesian system with its X axis parallel to the incline and directed downward and its Y axis perpendicular to the plane.

Step 3: Resolve these forces into their X and Y components carefully assigning the signs:
\vec{w_{x}}=(+mgsin\theta,0); \quad \vec{w_{y}}=(0, -mgcos\theta);
\vec{N_{}}=(0, N); \quad \vec{F_{f}}=(-\muN, 0); \quad \vec{F_{}}_{app}=(F, 0)

Step 4: Equilibrium condition is that the net force acting on the object must be zero. Apply this condition by adding the vectors component-wise and set each component separately to zero.

Net Force : \vec{F_{N}} = \vec{w_{}}+\vec{N_{}}+\vec{F_{f}}+\vec{F_{}}_{app}=(0, 0)

\vec{F_{N}}=(mgsin\theta,-mgcos\theta)+(0, N)+(-\mu N, 0)+(F, 0)
\qquad=(mgsin\theta-\muN+\F, N-mgcos\theta)=(0, 0)

Y Component: N-mgcos\theta=0 \rightarrow N = mgcos\theta\quad (Eqn 1)
X Component: mgsin\theta-\muN+\F=0 \rightarrow \mu N = mgsin\theta-F
Therfore, \mu = \frac{mgsin\theta+F}{N}=\frac{mgsin\theta+F}{mgcos\theta}=tan\theta+\frac{F}{mgcos\theta}

Static Equilibrium: When the vector sum of these forces is zero and the object is at rest, the object is in static-equilibrium and the friction in that cases is the static friction. The coefficient of friction is the static friction coefficient (\mu\rightarrow\mu_s)

Dynamics Equilibrium: When the vector sum of these forces is zero and the object slides with a constant velocity, the object is in dynamic equilibrium and the friction in that case is kinetic friction.The coefficient of friction is the coefficient of kinetic friction,
\mu_s = tan\theta+\frac{F}{mgcos\theta}=0.8188
\mu_k = tan\theta+\frac{F}{mgcos\theta}=0.4805

\theta=\pi/8 rad; \qquad m=5kg; \qquad g=9.8ms^{-2}

F=18N (static) \qquad F=3N (kinetic)