[Announcement] A bug is affecting some of the "Students helped" counters - "?" [SOLVED]


As of Thursday, August 10, 2017, 2:20pm EST, this bug is officially fixed! :D

1 Answer
Aug 5, 2017

Some quick info on a bug that is currently under investigation.


As some of you have already noticed, the counters that keep track of the number of students you've helped have not been updating properly.

More specifically, the number of students helped has been stuck in place on some contribution maps--I say on some contribution maps because not all users are being affected by the bug.

The team has been working on a fix, but they can't say for sure when this issue will be resolved. So if you're one of the users that are being affected by the bug, hang in there, a fix will be deployed soon enough.

You can tell if you're being affected by the bug by visiting your profile page and looking at the number of students helped. If more than 24 hours pass without an update, then you're one of the users affected by this issue.