Another problem on Mechanics?

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1 Answer
Nov 13, 2016

W_x = mu(3x+2h)g


First, some asumptions.

i) The chain falls on the floor, resting at the floor level.
ii) The rope remaining above the table, keeps straigth.

For an excursion x the weigth supported on the floor is given by

W_x=m_x g + I

where m_x = mu x is the mass landed and I is the impulse exerted by the dm arriving at that instant.

I = ((dm)/(dt)) v = (mu v dt)/(dt)v = mu v^2

but we know that for any dm after the excursion x

1/2v^2dm=dm (x+h)g or

v^2=2(x+h)g Now, substituting into I we have

I=2mu(x+h)g and finally

W_x =mu x g + 2mu(x+h)g = mu(3x+2h)g