Are these two equations equivalent? Thanks. #(nx)/d xx x = (xn)/d xx y#

2 Answers
Sep 6, 2017

See explanation.


First thing. There is only one equation there.

To see if the expressions are equivalent let's look at both of them.

First part is:

#(nx)/d# ## and ## #(xn)/d#

Those expressions are equivalent because the result of multiplication does not depend on the order of multiplied values.

But on the left side the expression is multiplied by #x#, while on the right side it's multiplied by #y#, so they would be equivalent if and only if #x=y#

Sep 6, 2017

#x=y# #:n/d !=0#


#(nx)/d xx x = (xn)/d xx y#

First, this is one equation not two.

Since #nx = xn# and assuming #n/d != 0#

#cancel((nx)/d) xx x = cancel((xn)/d) xx y#

#:. x=y#