Can anyone help name these organic compounds and draw them out as well?

I have the answers, I just need to understand how it is derived. Personal

1 Answer
Nov 3, 2016

For (8) and (9), find the longest carbon give 2,2,5,5-tetramethylhexane and 5-methyldecane.


For H3CC(CH3)2CH2CH2C(CH3)3, the longest hydrocarbyl chain is clearly 6 carbons long; the methyl groups which substitute the ends of the chain are all equivalent, and so this is a hexane derivative.

Because the hydrocarbyl chain is symmetric, we can start at either end (this is important, because we would normally start counting at whichever end gave LOWER numbers). Thus for the C1C2Me2C3C4C5Me2C6 chain, C2 and C5 are substituted by methyl groups.

And thus we have 2,2,5,5-tetramethylhexane

For H3C(CH2)4CH(CH3)(CH2)3CH3, we have a longer hydrocarbyl chain, 10 carbons long, so this is a decane derivative. We can start at right or left ends (i.e. as we face this page). C5 is substituted by a methyl group.

Thus 5-methyldecane.

Can you follow my spray? I hope it agrees with your answer.