Does the following sentence have any indirect objects? If so, where?: She gave me a gift.
1 Answer
Jun 27, 2018
Yes, the sentence has an indirect object and it is me.
Indirect objects are nouns that receive the direct object.
To find one in a sentence, find the direct object, and then ask, "Who was given the direct object?"
Here are some example sentences. The indirect objects are colored
My grandmother passed
Maddie thebox of tissues.
→ the grandmother passed the box to who? To Maddie, so "Maddie" is the indirect object. -
He gave the
poor all of hismoney .
→ He gave his money to who? The poor, so "poor" is the indirect object.
In your sentence, there is an indirect object:
- She gave
me agift .
→ She gave the gift to who? Me, so "me" is the indirect object.