Does the following sentence have any missing commas or semicolons? If so, where?: She said she really liked the book she particularly liked the final three chapters.

1 Answer
Mar 4, 2018

The sentence must have a semicolon after "book."

She  said  she  really  liked  the  book; she partic"u"larly liked  the color(white)() "final" color(white)() three  chapters.


This is really two independent clauses -- two separate sentences.

1) She said she really liked the book.
2) She particularly liked the final three chapters.


• When two independent clauses have no punctuation between them (the way they appear in the question), they make a "run-on sentence" error.

She  said  she  really  liked  the  book  she partic"u"larly liked   the color(white)() "final" color(white)() three  chapters. larr run-on sentence


• When two independent clauses are joined with just a comma, they make a "comma splice" error.

She said she really liked the  book, she partic"u"larly liked  the color(white)() "final" color(white)() three  chapters. larr comma splice


There are a few choices for correcting this error:

You can use a semicolon

1) If you must use a semicolon as implied in the question, then locate it after the word "book" to correct the punctuation.

A semicolon (without a coordinating conjunction) can be used to link two independent clauses

• when they are both closely related to the same idea
• when the "weight" or importance are the same for both.

So the semicolon makes this correct:

She  said  she  really  liked  the  book; she partic"u"larly liked  the   color(white)() "final" color(white)() three  chapters.


You can use other punctuation

1) You can add a comma and a coordinating conjunction

She said she really liked the book, but  she partic"u"larly liked the  "final" color(white)() three chapters.


2) You can separate the independent clauses into two sentences by using a period between them

She  said  she  really  liked  the  book. She partic"u"larly liked  the "final" color(white)() three  chapters.


3) You can use a dash between the independent clauses

She said she really liked the book  ―  she partic"u"larly liked the "final" color(white)() three chapters.