Does zinc react with NaOH when its not heated?

1 Answer
Sep 1, 2017

Zinc is an active metal.......


It will slowly be oxidized by hydroxide, to give Zn^(2+) and dihydrogen gas......

And we could write the redox couple....

Zn rarr Zn^(2+) + 2e^(-) (i)

H_2O + e^(-) rarr 1/2H_2(g)uarr + HO^- (ii)

And so we take (i) + 2xx(ii) to get......

Zn(s) + 2H_2O(l)rarrZn^(2+) + 2HO^(-) + H_2(g)

In conc. hydroxide it would probably from the zincate ion, [Zn(OH)_4]^(2-).....

Zn(s) + 2HO^(-) + 2H_2O(l) rarrZn(OH)_4^(2-) +H_2(g)uarr