Find the shortest distance between the line and the curve?

#y-x=1# and #x=y^2#

1 Answer
Sep 22, 2017



Here's a method that does not use differentiation.


#{ (y - x = 1), (x = y^2) :}#

The graphs of these equations look something like this:
graph{(y-x-1)(x-y^2) = 0 [-5, 5, -2.5, 2.5]}

Let's find a line parallel to #y-x=1# which just touches the parabola.

Given a system of equations:

#{ (y - x = k), (x = y^2) :}#

we want to find the value of #k# which yields exactly one real solution.

Substituting #x = y-k# into the second equation, we get:

#y - k = y^2#

That is:

#y^2 - y + k = 0#

This is a quadratic in standard form:

#ay^2+by+c = 0#

with #a=1#, #b=-1# and #c = k#

This has discriminant #Delta# given by the formula:

#Delta = b^2-4ac = (-1)^2-4(1)(k) = 1-4k#

So this quadratic has exactly one root when #Delta = 0# and hence #k = 1/4#

So the parabola #x = y^2# is touched by the line #y-x = 1/4#

graph{(y-x-1)(y-x-1/4)(x-0.02-y^2) = 0 [-2.5, 2.5, -1.25, 1.25]}

Since the lines are diagonal, the distance between them is:

#(1-1/4)sqrt(2)/2 = (3sqrt(2))/8#