Given {a,b,c} in [-L,L] What is the probability that the roots of a x^2+b x + c = 0 be real?

1 Answer
Nov 19, 2016



We will operate on the assumptions L>0 and that the probability is equal that (a, b, c) = (x_1, x_2, x_3) for all (x_1, x_2, x_3) in [-L, L]^3

Initial observations:

  • ax^2+bx+c = 0 has real roots if and only if the discriminant of the quadratic is nonnegative, that is, b^2-4ac >= 0, or b^2>=4ac.

  • We can partition the probability space into the two cases in which "sgn"(a) = "sgn"(c) or "sgn"(a)!="sgn"(c), and
    P("sgn"(a)="sgn"(c)) = P("sgn"(a)!="sgn"(c)) = 1/2

  • If "sgn"(a) != "sgn"(c), then 4ac <= 0, meaning b^2>=4ac.

  • By symmetry:
    P(b^2>=4ac|a, c<=0) = P(b^2>=4ac|a, c>=0)

  • As b^2=(-b)^2 for all b, we can restrict b to [0, L] without changing the probability of it falling within a certain range. Thus
    P(b^2>=4ac|a, c>=0) = P(b^2>=4ac|a, b, c>=0)

With these, we can reformulate the problem as follows:

P(ax^2+bx+c" has real roots") = P(b^2>=4ac)



=1/2(1)+1/2P(b^2>=4ac|a, c<0 or a, c >0)

=1/2+1/2P(b^2>=4ac|a, c>0)

=1/2+1/2P(b^2>=4ac|a, b, c>0)

=1/2+1/2P(b^2>=4ac|(a, b, c) in [0, L]^3)

We will now calculate P(b^2>=4ac|(a, b, c) in [0, L]^3)

If we consider a coordinate system in 3-space, then [0, L]^3 is equivalent to a cube with side length L resting in the first octant and having sides colinear with the axes. Let S be the solid bounded by this cube and above by the surface y^2 = 4xz, and V_S be the volume of this solid. Then the probability that b^2>=4ac given an arbitrary (a, b, c) in [0, L]^3 is equal to the probability that (a, b, c) falls within S given that (a, b, c) falls within the cube, i.e. V_S/V_"cube" = V_S/L^3

To find V_S, we will first consider the area A_b of the slice of S found by fixing y=b for some b in [0, L], and then we will add up all of these areas by integrating A_b as b goes from 0 to L.

If we fix y=b for some b, then A_b is the area bounded by the lines x=0, x=L, z=0, z=L and the curve 4xz=b^2, which we can rewrite as z=b^2/(4x)


Notice that the curve intersects the square at the points where x=L or z=L, that is, at (x, z) in{(L, b^2/(4L)), (b^2/(4L), L)}

With that, we can now set up our integrals. The upper bound from x=0 to x=b^2/(4L) is the line z=L. The upper bound from x=b^2/(4L) to x=L is the curve z=b^2/(4x). Thus

A_b = int_0^(b^2/(4L))Ldx + int_(b^2/(4L))^Lb^2/(4x)dx


V_S = int_0^LA_bdb

Omitting the full process of integration to save space, we find the result

V_S = (5+6ln(2))/36L^3


P(b^2>=4ac|a, b, c in [0, L]) = V_S/L^3= (5+6ln(2))/36

Substituting this into our initial equation, we get our final result:

P(ax^2+bx+c" has real roots")

=1/2+1/2P(b^2>=4ac|(a, b, c) in [0, L]^3)


