Sigma->f(x,y,z)=y^2 + 3 x^2 + z^2 - 4=0
and considering p = (x,y,z) such that
p in Sigma, we have
vec n = (p-p_1) xx (p-p_2) is a vector normal to the plane
Pi defined by the points p, p_1, p_2
Now, the vector vec n can be computed over Sigma as grad f = ((partial f)/(partial x), (partial f)/(partial y), (partial f)/(partial z)) =2(3x,y,z)
The Sigma tangent point is then determined by the equations
(n_x/norm(vec n)=pmf_x/norm(grad f)),
(<< grad f, p_1-p_2 >> = 0),
{((1 - z)/sqrt[(x + y-3)^2 + 2 (z-1)^2] pm (3 x)/sqrt[
9 x^2 + y^2 + z^2]=0),(y-3x=0),(y^2 + 3 x^2 + z^2 - 4=0):}(2)
Solving for x,y,z we obtain
p_(t_1) = (0.531359, 1.59408, -0.782233) and
p_(t_2) = (0.242834, 0.728503, 1.81449) the tangency points
and also
(grad _1 f)/norm(grad_1 f) =(vec n_1)/norm(vec n_1) = (0.668034, 0.668034, -0.327812)
(grad_2 f)/norm(grad_2 f) =(vec n_2)/norm(vec n_2)=-(0.349138, 0.349138, 0.869601)
the corresponding normal surface vectors.
a) In (1,2) we consider only a vector component. The choice is one of
(((1 - z)/sqrt[(x + y-3)^2 + 2 (z-1)^2] - (3 x)/sqrt[
9 x^2 + y^2 + z^2]),((1 - z)/sqrt[(x + y-3)^2 + 2 (z-1)^2] - y/sqrt[
9 x^2 + y^2 + z^2]),((x + y-3)/sqrt[(x + y-3)^2 + 2 (z-1)^2] - z/sqrt[
9 x^2 + y^2 + z^2]))
b) The sign pm before the gradient is to qualify the two solutions to the problem.
c) Here (cdot xx cdot) represents the vector product and << cdot, cdot >> the scalar product. Also norm(cdot) represents the vector norm.