How do you calculate DeltaS_(sys) for the isothermal expansion of 1.5 mol of an ideal gas from 20.0 L to 22.5L?

1 Answer
Dec 12, 2016

I got "1.47 J/K". This should make sense to be positive since a larger volume allows more particle movement, which increases the extent of energy dispersal in the system.

We begin by realizing that an isothermal expansion is one where DeltaT = 0. The change in entropy due to a change in volume at a constant temperature is denoted as ((delS)/(delV))_T.

To get from V_1 to V_2, we integrate the following:

DeltaS_"sys" = int_(V_1)^(V_2) ((delS)/(delV))_TdV

We denote molar entropy as barS = S/n and molar volume as barV = V/n, so that we then have our starting equation:

color(green)(DeltabarS_"sys" = int_(barV_1)^(barV_2) ((delbarS)/(delbarV))_TdbarV)

From the Maxwell Relation for barA(T,barV) (the molar Helmholtz Free Energy as a function of temperature and molar volume)

dbarA = -barSdT - PdbarV,

we use the cross-derivative relationship to get

((delbarS)/(delbarV))_T = color(green)(((delP)/(delT))_barV),

meaning that the change in entropy due to the change in volume at constant temperature is equal to the change in pressure due to the change in temperature at a constant volume.

Next, we would have to figure out what this new derivative gives for the ideal gas law. Recall that the ideal gas law is:

PV = nRT


PbarV = RT

=> P = (RT)/(barV)

The partial derivative of pressure with respect to temperature at constant molar volume is then:

=> ((delP)/(delT))_barV = (del)/(delT)[(RT)/(barV)]_barV

= R/(barV)(del)/(delT)[T]_barV = R/(barV)((delT)/(delT))_barV

= R/(barV)cancel((dT)/(dT))

= R/(barV)

So, what's left is to integrate the result by substituting R/(barV) back in for ((delbarS)/(delbarV))_T:

color(blue)(DeltabarS_"sys") = int_(barV_1)^(barV_2) R/(barV)dbarV

= Rint_(barV_1)^(barV_2) 1/(barV)dbarV = R|[ln(barV)]|_(barV_1)^(barV_2)

= R[ln(barV_2) - ln(barV_1)] = Rln(barV_2/(barV_1)) = Rln((V_2"/"cancel(n))/(V_1"/"cancel(n)))

= color(blue)(Rln(V_2/(V_1)))

Notice how the molar volumes have canceled out to give the regular volume.

Therefore, the change in entropy for the system at constant temperature is:

color(blue)(DeltaS_"sys") = nDeltabarS_"sys" = nRln(V_2/V_1)

= ("1.5 mols")("8.314472 J/mol"cdot"K")ln(("22.5 L")/("20.0 L"))

= color(blue)("1.47 J/K")