How do you convert 0.27 (7 being repeated) to a fraction?

1 Answer
Mar 5, 2016



The way to write a repeating decimal is like this:

For your question #0.2bar7" or 0.27bar7# if you wish to emphasis it.

Another form of repeating decimal could be ( picked at random)
#437.234234234.... -> 437.bar234#

On The Socratic site the format is hashkey 437.bar237 hashkey

In the same way if I actually used the hash key then hash 2x^2 hash
look like: #2x^2#
#color(blue)("Solving your question")#

Let #x=0.277bar7#
Then #10x=2.77bar7#

Then #10x-x=2.5#

#=> x(10-1)=2.5#


I do not like the decimal numerator so I am going to get rid of it!

1 can be written in many ways. For example, #2/2=1#

So #x" "=" "2.5/9" " =" " 2.5/9xx2/2" "=" "(2.5xx2)/(9xx2)#


So #x=0.27bar7=5/18#