How do you convert 3.9 (9 repeating) to a fraction? Prealgebra Decimals Using Decimals in Math 1 Answer Shwetank Mauria Aug 23, 2017 #3.9999999......=4=4/1# Explanation: Let #x=3.9999999......# Hence #10x=39.9999999.........# Subtracting former from latter #9x=36# r #x=36/9=4=4/1# Answer link Related questions What is #1.2 * 0.6#? What is #0.9978+0.325#? Bank Account A has $750.92, and Bank Account B $675.44. Account A changes by -$216.38, and... How do you convert 0.254 (4 repeating) as a fraction? How do you convert 3/50 to decimal and percentage? How do you find the percent of increase or decrease given Original: 50 and New: 56? The number of students in class increased from 10 to 15. What is the percent increase? What is the percent of increase from $147 annually to $414? How do you convert 2 2/5 into a percent and decimal? How do you convert 3 3/4 into a decimal and percent? See all questions in Using Decimals in Math Impact of this question 9181 views around the world You can reuse this answer Creative Commons License