How do you convert 3x^2+6xy-y^2=93x2+6xyy2=9 into polar form?

1 Answer

r=3/sqrt(3*cos^2 theta+6*sin theta*cos theta-sin^2 theta)r=33cos2θ+6sinθcosθsin2θ


Use x=r cos thetax=rcosθ and y=r sin thetay=rsinθ

from the given


3(r cos theta)^2+6(r cos theta)(r sin theta)-(r sin theta)^2=93(rcosθ)2+6(rcosθ)(rsinθ)(rsinθ)2=9

3r^2 cos^2 theta+6r^2*sin theta*cos theta-r^2 sin^2 theta=93r2cos2θ+6r2sinθcosθr2sin2θ=9

r^2(3 cos^2 theta+6*sin theta*cos theta- sin^2 theta)=9r2(3cos2θ+6sinθcosθsin2θ)=9

r^2=9/(3 cos^2 theta+6*sin theta*cos theta- sin^2 theta)r2=93cos2θ+6sinθcosθsin2θ

r=sqrt(9/(3 cos^2 theta+6*sin theta*cos theta- sin^2 theta))r=93cos2θ+6sinθcosθsin2θ

r=3/sqrt(3 cos^2 theta+6*sin theta*cos theta- sin^2 theta)r=33cos2θ+6sinθcosθsin2θ

have a nice day... from the Philippines