How do you convert 9/10 into a decimal and percent?

1 Answer
Apr 14, 2017




The format for decimals is:

#color(red)(" First decimal place")#
#" "color(red)(|)#
#" "color(red)(darr)#

#"units" color(red)(color(white)(.)+1/10)+1/100+1/1000+...# and so on
#" "color(red)(|)#
#" "color(red)(darr)#
#" "9/10#

So #9/10# is the same #0.9#
Percent is a special fraction where the bottom number (denominator) is fixed at 100

We are given the fraction of #9/10#

Multiply by 1 and you do not change the value. However, 1 comes in many forms.

#color(green)(9/10color(red)(xx1) " "=" "9/10color(red)(xx10/10)" "=" "(9xx10)/(10xx10)=90/100#

Write as: #90xx1/100# but #1/100# is the same as % so we have
